Cat Sitters in UK
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Cat Sitter, Feed Cats, Change Litter,
Cat Sitter, Feed Cats, Change Litter,
Cat Sitter, Feed Cats,
Cat Sitter, Feed Cats, Change Litter,
Cat Sitter, Feed Cats, Change Litter,
Cat Sitter, Feed Cats, Change Litter,
Feed Cats, Change Litter,
The Pet Nanny
Cat Sitter, Feed Cats, Change Litter,
Claire Jarman
Cat Sitter, Feed Cats, Change Litter,
Details: I am a single lady aged 62 and live in Dorchester. I have always had cats since I left home as I would not have a dog due to them being left for over 8 hours. When I was a child we always had a dog...
Cat Sitter, Feed Cats, Change Litter,
Cat Sitter, Feed Cats, Change Litter,
Cat Sitter, Feed Cats, Change Litter,
Details: I have a cat of my own who is now 13 years old who I adore(I recently had to have her brother euthanased due to kidney failure, which was heart breaking). I am also a volunteer for Cats Protection...
Cat Sitter, Feed Cats, Change Litter,
Details: I have always loved cats and therefore when I recently moved to Scarborough and began looking for employment, this seemed like the obvious route to take. I have a female tabby cat called Buffy and...