Cat Sitters in UK
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Cat Sitter, Feed Cats, Change Litter,
Details: I'm 16 (17 in June) and a part time student. I've been job hunting since I turned 16 and I've had no luck at all. It's really important to me to start making even small savings for my future (either...
Glo Glo
Cat Sitter, Feed Cats, Change Litter,
Amity Pet Care
Cat Sitter, Feed Cats, Change Litter,
Details: Amity Pet Care offer a range of tailor-made services for pets requiring any husbandry, enrichment, exercise, monitoring, and companionship, exclusively within Redhill and Reigate, Surrey. We have...
Cat Sitter, Feed Cats, Change Litter,
Cat Sitter, Feed Cats, Change Litter,
Cat Sitter,
Cat Sitter, Feed Cats, Change Litter,
Cat Sitter, Feed Cats, Change Litter,
Details: I am a trustworthy, reliable second year Psychology student who loves cats. You can be rest assured your beloved pet will be well cared for and much more relaxed than it would be in a cattery. I will...
Quirky Cat Lady
Cat Sitter, Feed Cats, Change Litter,
Cat Sitter, Feed Cats, Change Litter,
Bee M
Cat Sitter, Feed Cats, Change Litter,
Details: I am a sixteen-year-old who loves animals and is looking for part-time work alongside sixth form. Based in Breaston, I am willing to travel anywhere on the Indigo/Zoom/Y5 bus routes, as well as...
Katy Adams
Cat Sitter, Feed Cats, Change Litter,
Details: I currently volunteer for a cat charity with their administration. I have always been passionate about animal care and welfare.
Cat Sitter, Feed Cats, Change Litter,
Details: Ive had cats in family since I was born !!! We had one cat called Tinker, she used up pretty much a few of her 9 lives !!! When she passed away we got an adult pure white cat called Emily ( we were...
Cat Sitter, Feed Cats, Change Litter,
Details: I am a Qualified Veterinary Nursing Assistant who has been working in the Veterinary field for nearly 4 years.